Baby got backup
The new kiddie tax costly complications

The PF Carnival is growing up

Birthday_candle_no1_2 To celebrate the first birthday of the Carnival of Personal Finance, this week's host, Flexo at Consumerism Commentary, offers a double-dose from the carnival participants. Flexo presents a recent financial post and then one of the blogger's favorites from the last year.

My recent notice about the fast-selling Toyota hybrids is joined by a tax-code Valentine posted in, when else, February.

At this double-stuffed financial carnival you'll also find, among many other items, how to play the zero-interest credit card transfer game or lower your homeowner's insurance policy rates. There's even info on Amazon's new grocery shopping service. Books and beets. Who'd a thought?

Those are just a few. Check out the full, one-year-old PF Carnival for all the rest.


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