The Ferris wheel just keeps spinning
Happy $3 a gallon motoring

Touting (and horn tooting)
tax re-Sources

Horn_2 Tax season is over, but the need for tax planning continues.

Among those still keeping an eye on tax happenings is Top 10 Sources, which this weekend bestowed upon Don’t Mess With Taxes the honor of inclusion in its Top 10 Sources for Taxes.

Top 10 Sources is a directory of sites that, according to its home page, brings readers "the freshest, most relevant content on the Web. We know it's impossible for anyone to keep track of the 20 million+ online sources of information. So [Top 10 Sources] editors search Web 2.0 -- blogs, podcasts, wikis, news sites, and every kind of syndicated source online -- by hand."

It's a real thrill to be part of this select tax information group, which includes several sites and blogs that are part of DMWT's own personal blogroll -- Taxalicious, the Tax Foundation and Tax Prof.

An added bonus: Bankrate's tax channel, which I helped feed and maintain this tax season, also made the list. So I feel sort of like I got a one and a half mention!

Thanks, Top 10 Sources! As a duly designated Top 10 tax source, rest assured that Don't Mess With Taxes will continue to collect and comment on tax issues throughout the year. That way, when the 2006 filing season rolls around (in just a little over eight months), we'll all be ready to face the tax music once again.


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