A new homeowner tax break on the horizon?
Tax (and political) trouble, U.S. style

Upping the Cotton Bowl ante

John and I worked together in Florida. He's now in Tuscaloosa, reveling in being right there where one of his heroes, Bear Bryant, actually walked. After my post about the impending Cotton Bowl battle between Texas Tech and Alabama, John sent me the following note:

You guys plan to sing the fight song after every touchdown? Every? How droll. Well, I guess this could be the start of a beautiful rivalry. At least we don't have to play Yankees. I suppose there needs to be some sort of traditional wager here. I really don't know what Red Raider people consider valuable, but, since it's winter I'd be prepared to bet some of our traditional keeping-warm-so-you-don't-get-pneumonia elixir (provided you don't turn me into no revenooers) or as Granny used to call it 'rheumatiz medicine,' on the game.

Of course I took him up on it, knowing full well I won't have to pay up. (You guys do have my back, don't you, Coach Leach?) In the unlikely event that 'Bama wins, I will send John a 100% cotton Double-T T-shirt, emblematic not only of the University but also the surrounding High Plains cotton fields, plus a CD from Lubbock's own The Flatlanders, one of the state's finest musical groups and one we were thrilled to see at Willie's Katrina relief concert here in Austin back in September.

Speaking of Willie, given his troubles with bad accountants and the IRS, I'm sure he will appreciate that I agreed to John's terms and definitely will not sic any guv'ment agents on him to investigate untaxed home remedies!


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